Friday, December 14, 2012

Kosovo 2.0 SEX. Hate and Disaster.

To have witnessed, in person, raw hatred and violence based on ignorant prejudices broke all parts of my heart. When attempting to attend the event described in the article below, I was spat on, pushed, called a bitch and a whore, pelted with snowballs, and chased down an icy street by the described mob of angry thugs. Luckily, myself and four friends were able to find safety in our school where the security guards let us in and held off the mob.  Later, we learned that at least 2 people, aside from the victim mentioned in the article, were beaten at a nearby bar for telling members of the mob that they had tried to go to the party.  
I have no words, just prayers and hopes and sadness.  

UPDATE: Organized Thugs Attack Kosovo 2.0 Magazine Launch of Sexuality Edition

by TANYA DOMI on DECEMBER 15, 2012
Post image for UPDATE:  Organized Thugs Attack Kosovo 2.0 Magazine Launch of Sexuality Edition
Last night in Pristina, Kosovo, an organized group of thugs, two times in one evening, violently disrupted the launch of a magazine edition dedicated to examining heterosexual and same sex sexuality in the Western Balkans

1 comment:

  1. I can't fathom living through something like this. The tangible feeling of hate surrounding you, violating you, harming you... It breaks my heart that narrow mindedness is alive and well all over the world. I am glad you are okay, physically, may your heart/mind continue to heal.
    I love you!
